Second Datathon - OCR for Kyrgyz language

May 14, 2023


Hello friends! Our two-day datathon on Kyrgyz language is completed!

Adil AdenovAmantur AmatovZhasmin EshmambetovaKenenbek ArzymatovKhakim Davurov


  • We received 169 applications from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia.
  • More than 200 people attended the datathon, some came only to listen to our wonderful speakers!
  • In the end, 22 teams (~110 people) were formed and participated face-to-face, working in KGTU named after I. Razzakov, some teams working remotely.
  • 130 submissions have been uploaded! All results were evaluated automatically using the F1 score metrics.


  1. "Muras" - 98.1%
  2. "Attention" - 94.9%
  3. "Devs" - 93.7%

Thanks to all participants for their contribution to AI development!